Comprehensive Database
The web based Nuclear Integrated Information Database (NIID) database is a
warehouse of the most valued nuclear plant cost and performance data. The data
is current, relevant and subject to high standards of integrity and security.
The database utilizes the latest technology that enables the users to retrieve
and submit information in a user friendly manner.
Value for Money
Membership fees are typically a fraction of the fees charged by consultants or
database providers for the same type of data and analysis. The membership fees
include one free registration for each member company per semi-annual workshop.
Serves the nuclear utility industry. The mission and vision of the organization
isn’t complicated and watered down by trying to serve the interests of multiple
Provides a forum for nuclear utility professionals to converse, problem solve
and exchange best practices. The Nuclear Forum has representation from many
countries and a broad cross-section of nuclear energy technologies.
Member Driven
Allows its members to dictate and influence the survey topics, reports, and
workshop programs. Its content and direction change are aligned to member’s
needs and the evolving industry.
Explores issues beyond cost control and benchmarking.
Its focus has evolved into areas such as outage planning and project management decision case analysis.
Holds semi-annual workshops with attendees from domestic and international generating companies: to discuss leading-edge issues being faced by the industry, address member company issues and allow members to interact face-to-face.
Knowledge Repository
For member reference, it maintains a repository of data, reports and ad hoc surveys on a multitude of topics and issues explored by the organization over its many years of existence.
Active affiliations with several major associations and organizations (i.e. INPO, IAEA, NEI) involved in the support and promotion of the nuclear industry brings valuable insights that complement the EUCG agenda.